i spent so many tears only for you, and you never know then tell me about her, oh you really2 stupid, can u realize my feeling to you? im your friend so i try to give a big and beautiful when you say happy wih her im look strong bit im so hurt inside
boys like a stars there are million of them out there but only one can make your dream come true. no boyfriend doesnt mean i have no love, hm i stiil have many my friends and my family with more and more love!
eveyrthing changes
alone at night sitting in front of the laptop cold confused to do anything. online, watch movies, play games or with friends, sms-an, telfon-an really bored huh just like this life is not colored
what should I do now?
sleep?i think im insomnia now i do not know what time to sleep i'll spend the night heavy boredom
my life gets worse every day, i feel no one cares about me, oh my god what wrong? friends, ex BF, and even families all of them away. spirit of my life disappeared, do not know why.
return all of it. that's all i want right now, i want happiness it! maybe it could change my life. everything changes
BORED @ night
what should I do now?
sleep?i think im insomnia now i do not know what time to sleep i'll spend the night heavy boredom
my life gets worse every day, i feel no one cares about me, oh my god what wrong? friends, ex BF, and even families all of them away. spirit of my life disappeared, do not know why.
return all of it. that's all i want right now, i want happiness it! maybe it could change my life. everything changes
BORED @ night
AJAAAAY ganteng banget
gw pulang sekolah nih yaaaaa, rencana nya pengen makan bakso sama Nurul Alfia Nur di flamboyan pondok hijau eh ternyata gajadi soalnya lagi nutu di renovasi gitu deeeeeeh yaudah dengan sangat terpaksa gw balik rencana ke dua pengen makan mi ayam di deket rumah naaaaah pas mau jalan ke sana , di tengah jalan ketmu sama AJAAAAAAY wkwk bah makin ganteng aja tuh anak speechles lah gw ketemu dia secara udah brpa tahun lebih gaketemu eh ketemu dia di tempat yang begitu awalnya gw diem aja sambil mikir nama nya siapa (hehe lupa, wajaaar lah) pas gw inget gw pangil aja AJAY? haha kata nya sih nada gw keras gitu tapi boam ah ga peduli juga gw. terus ajay nya senyum ajeeey ,senyum nya itu loh maut abeees ahaha terus yaudah deh pertemuan hanya sampai situ, sangking seneng nya ktemu dia ampe lupa makan bakso untung dirumah ada sodara gw yang temen smp nya tuh di yadikaaaa asik lah gw tanya2 aja tentang ajay hehe dia KAPTEN basket gitu deh di sekolah nya (katanya?!) tapi emg bener sih setau gw dia emang cinta banget sama basket & bultang gw aja dulu sempet lat bareng di BSC ck ck .pokokonya sneeeeeng lah gw ketemu dia hari ini lain wktu ktemu lagi ya ajaaaay :))
loves- anita
loves- anita
nice holiday
i'm busy with my holiday what about youuu? fun is not it? ehehe i'll tell you now
i went to visit my grandma. leave at 6 am. this morning that made me feel like getting to bed hehe
i crrosed the ocean with a ship and a very nice. i stood at the edge of the ship and feel the wind and the waves are very fast. i feel my weight lost in an instant fuihh :'( i think he would be happy saw his beautiful granddaughter is coming HAHAHA :")
when i got home my grandma. all my cousins were coming. it so make me happy. i spent a lot of times with them .joking, playing, eating together, and sleeping together haha i love them so much muuuuuuch :*
that morning, i and my cousin (Fika) went to universitas lampung hah very boring but when we get there
gak nyesel ddeeeeeeh many of his good-looking guy haha just more comfortable in there ehehe while waiting my cousin i was only WIFI an freeee online cuy ahaha but it's also long bored, after that i went to the canteen buy drink and sat down it and with a little a imagination!
dreeeeeeeeeeeet.. my phone sounds
my cousin sent message to me and said she had finished i want to straight to see in the earlier. hem on the road she's a lot of talks about his college. im glad listen to him and GW MAU JADI ANAK KULIHAN ahaha ya walaupun gw tau katany sih ga enak haha amin ya rabb! abis dari situ, gw langsung caw ke mall haha gajauh2 emg ihihi
just only "cuci mata" wkwk galama langsung balik lagi kerumah nenek soalnya ad acara keluarga gitchuu
doesnt seem faster time i had to go to bekasi again hikkssss ( ah gamau sebenarnya masih betah banget disana huhu sebentar banget aaaaahhhhhhh :"( ) i say good bye to all huhu wanna cry i didn't feel to out my tears fufufufuuuuuuuuu "(
at 3 pm i was leaving hah i make really enjoying my trip. i had to use ship to arrive go back. this time the wavs so fast i couldn't just sit and sleeping time so tired -_________-
FINALLY arrived in Jakarta, happyyyyyy :) hem my brther want to Banten hah im tired i want to home now! but my brother still wants there reseeeeeek banget -,- Ok gw pun ngalah we went go there and visited office my dad. at 10 o'clock at nigh, i was looking find for th hotel after it check in and slept soundly all zzzzzzzzz -_-
as usual i wake up, take a bath and breakfest together with my family, then i check out from hotel. and otw again to jakarta. in my car i just listening to musik alone dad took me to eat pizza haha seneng banget gilaaa lo ga nolak lah gw :DD ------EAT------ ok finshed eating,statiated and cold air makes me sleeeping dreaming blablablaaaaaa sampe juga gw dirumaaaaaah akhirnyaa seneng lah :)
haaaaaaaaah selesai juga deh perjalanan libur gw seneng, gondok, kecewa, marah, kesel, bosen, semua muanya udah gw rasain dalam 4 hari itu dan yang penting sih gw seneeeeeeeeeng lahir batin .penat gw ilang semua rasanya cukup lah haha sejenak bisa buat gw lupa about something wkwk okeeeeey deh, gini dulu aja kali yaaaaaa. eh iya liburan masih seminggu lagi loh :DD wait for my story (again) haha jangan bosen yeea baca nya ddddaaaaaaaaaaaaa mmuah :))
friday- 1st january 2010
i went to visit my grandma. leave at 6 am. this morning that made me feel like getting to bed hehe
i crrosed the ocean with a ship and a very nice. i stood at the edge of the ship and feel the wind and the waves are very fast. i feel my weight lost in an instant fuihh :'( i think he would be happy saw his beautiful granddaughter is coming HAHAHA :")
when i got home my grandma. all my cousins were coming. it so make me happy. i spent a lot of times with them .joking, playing, eating together, and sleeping together haha i love them so much muuuuuuch :*
Saturday- 2nd january 2010
that morning, i and my cousin (Fika) went to universitas lampung hah very boring but when we get there
gak nyesel ddeeeeeeh many of his good-looking guy haha just more comfortable in there ehehe while waiting my cousin i was only WIFI an freeee online cuy ahaha but it's also long bored, after that i went to the canteen buy drink and sat down it and with a little a imagination!
dreeeeeeeeeeeet.. my phone sounds
my cousin sent message to me and said she had finished i want to straight to see in the earlier. hem on the road she's a lot of talks about his college. im glad listen to him and GW MAU JADI ANAK KULIHAN ahaha ya walaupun gw tau katany sih ga enak haha amin ya rabb! abis dari situ, gw langsung caw ke mall haha gajauh2 emg ihihi
just only "cuci mata" wkwk galama langsung balik lagi kerumah nenek soalnya ad acara keluarga gitchuu
Sunday- 3rd january 2010
doesnt seem faster time i had to go to bekasi again hikkssss ( ah gamau sebenarnya masih betah banget disana huhu sebentar banget aaaaahhhhhhh :"( ) i say good bye to all huhu wanna cry i didn't feel to out my tears fufufufuuuuuuuuu "(
at 3 pm i was leaving hah i make really enjoying my trip. i had to use ship to arrive go back. this time the wavs so fast i couldn't just sit and sleeping time so tired -_________-
FINALLY arrived in Jakarta, happyyyyyy :) hem my brther want to Banten hah im tired i want to home now! but my brother still wants there reseeeeeek banget -,- Ok gw pun ngalah we went go there and visited office my dad. at 10 o'clock at nigh, i was looking find for th hotel after it check in and slept soundly all zzzzzzzzz -_-
Monday- 4th january 2010
as usual i wake up, take a bath and breakfest together with my family, then i check out from hotel. and otw again to jakarta. in my car i just listening to musik alone dad took me to eat pizza haha seneng banget gilaaa lo ga nolak lah gw :DD ------EAT------ ok finshed eating,statiated and cold air makes me sleeeping dreaming blablablaaaaaa sampe juga gw dirumaaaaaah akhirnyaa seneng lah :)
haaaaaaaaah selesai juga deh perjalanan libur gw seneng, gondok, kecewa, marah, kesel, bosen, semua muanya udah gw rasain dalam 4 hari itu dan yang penting sih gw seneeeeeeeeeng lahir batin .penat gw ilang semua rasanya cukup lah haha sejenak bisa buat gw lupa about something wkwk okeeeeey deh, gini dulu aja kali yaaaaaa. eh iya liburan masih seminggu lagi loh :DD wait for my story (again) haha jangan bosen yeea baca nya ddddaaaaaaaaaaaaa mmuah :))
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